Paisley Grace Designs
Good Coaches Can Change a Game, Great Coaches Can Change a Life Photo Holder Board DIY Kit P1374
Good Coaches Can Change a Game, Great Coaches Can Change a Life Photo Holder Board DIY Kit P1374
Bring a creative game-changer to your home! Take part in this fun, DIY adventure and put your very own spin on our Good Coaches Can Change a Game, Great Coaches Can Change a Life Photo Holder Board (it's not just for coaches!). Crafted with love in Fernandina, this kit gives you all the skills and supplies to make a beautiful photo holder board and level up your living space!
If you are looking for the perfect coaches gift, look no further. This 12x16" hardwood sign kit comes with a 3D frame that makes switching out the pictures easy.
Each kit comes with 3 colors of paint. If you do not indicate your colors we will send the main three colors shown on the sample.
If you don't have time to DIY, we are happy to paint it for you! There is a $15 additional cost to order the sign finished versus a DIY Kit or painting it in the studio.
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