Paisley Grace Designs
Sanderson Sisters Bed & Breakfast Kids Eat Free: SQUARE DESIGN
Sanderson Sisters Bed & Breakfast Kids Eat Free: SQUARE DESIGN
Square Design Choice
Available in: Small 12x12", Medium 16x16”, or Large 24x24”
We have a wonderful experience here. We always like to look for local gems while we visit Amelia Island every year and this one a MUST VISIT next time you’re there.
We were able to pick out fun crafts kits to take home for our kids to do and some gifts that were already painted and assembled to give family members.
The staff is friendly, helpful, and goes above and beyond for the customers. We can’t wait to come back again next time and see what else we can create!
This sign is beautiful, and I loved having the option to have it framed and painted by staff since I am not able to attend the classes! I would definitely recommend!
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We do our best to keep our website up to date, but we have so many things we do that don't quite make it online! If you have any questions or an idea in mind, please email us at and we are happy to help!