I am a Momma-- to two chubby cheeked, spirited and creative children. Paisley Grace (age 2) and Tucker John (almost 1). I am a maker. I thrive off creating things with my hands. I've made a business of making and teaching other women to find the maker within them.
Every year I like to try to find a word to focus on. It's more than a resolution, it's an attempt to find a new peace of mind in every aspect. This year it is Balance. The elusive balance we all seek.
But today, the two are not mixing. I have a pile of work to do, of "making" that has to get done... and yet my momma jobs are at full tilt. Even though I have a mountain of work to do, I woke up deciding to be a momma and housewife first. I did the laundry, emptied the dishwasher, fed the babies and once everyone seemed content I decided to incorporate that part of life that always seems to be pushed to the side for me... working out. So I got myself all set up with my yoga mat and Les Mills Body Flow on demand (if you haven't tried this class get to your gym now or go online and do a trial). It started off cute. My little munchkins were doing the moves along with me.... I felt like SUPER MOMMA!!! I mean, this is the stuff that those cute videos on Facebook are made of!
AND THEN.... IT HAPPENED. The magic moment was RUINED! Paisley pushed Tucker flat over. He bounced off the yoga mat and cried. I sent her to her room and told her to stay there. Tucker calmed down I decided to finish the leg track... Then I hear it.. "MOMMA! I fed the fish...." GULP!!!
Did she ever! Matt (sweet hubby) had just 'revived' our other fish (aka brought a new one home) and left the fish food within reach of a daring climb... and now we have no fish food left.
So I changed the tank, moved the fish to Tucker's room and told Paisley she had a time out in her room. And then I just undid all the "workout" I made it through, because here I sit, with my coffee, sneaking a Reese Peanut Butter Cup while the kids are in their room.
And yet--- for the moment-- I feel balance. At least I earned the chocolate-- right?